EU Careers Student Ambassadors 2024/25

08/10/2024 | OIPEP



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Presentació del Programa EU Careers Student Ambassadors

La Universitat Jaume I, junt a quatre universitats espanyoles més, ha sigut seleccionada per segona vegada per part de la EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) per tindre un/a EU Careers Student Ambassadors per al curs 2024/25. (Ja vam participar en 2020/21). 

L'estudiant seleccionat per l'EPSO per representar l'OIPEP i promocionar a les comunitats universitàries les diferents possibilitats d'ocupació en les Institucions Europees per al curs 2024/25 ha sigut Houda El Abbassi El Kass.

L'Oficina Europea de Selecció de Personal (EPSO) gestiona el programa EU Careers Student Ambassadors, destinat a promocionar a les comunitats universitàries les diferents possibilitats d'ocupació en les Institucions Europees.

Amb aquesta iniciativa, EPSO persegueix que l’estudiantat de les universitats europees que resulte seleccionat per participar en aquest programa, assumisca durant un any acadèmic les funcions de representant de l'esmentada Oficina, que es responsabilitzarà de facilitar-li formació prèvia i material de suport.

L'OIPEP va organitzar una sessió informativa per als/les interessats/des el 13 de febrer, de 10 a 11 hores, a la Sala de Graus HC0002FR de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials. Per poder assistir a aquesta sessió informativa cal fer la inscripció (gratuïta i limitada a l'aforament de l'aula). Termini obert del 5 fins al 12 de febrer.

Desé aniversari del programa d’ambaixadors d’EU Careers

Role Description

  • Act as a point of contact for students interested in an EU career 
  • Develop university networks and provide information on EU jobs
  • Maintain an active online and social media presence
  • Give presentations, attend university career events and find interesting speakers
  • Answer questions about career opportunities with the EU
  • Research target groups and contact university media
  • Set up mailing lists and distribute information about EU jobs through the appropriate channels


  • Arrange or participate in a minimum of one EU Careers event or presentation
  • Commit at least two hours per week to your ambassador role
  • Communicate with your EU Careers coordinator on a regular basis
  • Participate in all training activities provided online by EPSO 
  • Keep a log of your activities and report back regularly
  • Excellent communication and networking skills
  • Willingness to share and learn
  • Good organisational skills
  • Ability to deliver quality and results

It will be up to you to decide how much promotional work you can fit in alongside your academic studies. We are looking for ambassadors who are creative and can come up with innovative ways of promoting EU Careers.

How to apply:

Apply if you are: 

  • An EU citizen;
  • Fluent in English and in the language of the country in which you are studying;
  • Available to take part in our compulsory one-day training course in October 2024;
  • Enrolled and present at the university for the entire duration of the ambassador post (October 2024 - September 2025);

You can make an online application between February 5th to March 5th, 2024. (CV + Interview). Please fill in the following form to submit your application.

More information on this second phase will be sent to selected applicants via e-mail. The process will finish on mid/final April.

Please note that the list of participating universities has been established in collaboration with national governments. Currently we are unable to support Ambassadors at other universities and generally we do not change this list.


If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at: