Programa de formació per a la direcció: Business schools accreditations Programa de formació per a la direcció. Any 2018

26/03/2018 | RRHH



Modalitat: presencial.

Dirigit a: directives i directius PDI i PAS de la Universitat Jaume I.

Objectius: To explore the rationale, process and requirements for Business schools accreditations.


- Business school acreditations: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.

- Scope and objective of accreditations.

- The accreditation models and main requirements.

- The process of preparing for accreditation.

- Engaging the community (faculty, professional staff, students, internal and external stakeholders).

Durada: 2 hores

Participants:  màxim 25 inscripcions

Lloc: HC0002 FR (Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials, planta baixa enfront de consergeria)

Calendari: divendres 20 d'abril de 2018

Horari: de 10,00 a 12,00 hores

Professorat: Paul Coughlan

Paul Coughlan is Professor in Operations Management and Director of Accreditation & Quality Assurance at the Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin. Following an early career in engineering management he became a university lecturer and then a full-time doctoral student at the Business School of the University of Western Ontario (now the Ivey School). On graduation, he joined the faculty of the London Business School. From LBS he moved to join Trinity's (then) School of Business and has developed his research and teaching in operations management and new product development. At Trinity, in addition to his research and teaching he has held senior School and College administrative positions, including MBA Director, Director of Postgraduate Teaching & Learning, Director of Research and Course Co-Director at the TCD-UCD Innovation Academy. Outside of Trinity College, he was President of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) from 2003-09. His research in product development and continuous improvement has encompassed an innovative action research dimension involving companies engaged in action learning. This work has led to continuing methodology development and to specialized doctoral training in action research and learning through the EIASM doctoral network.

Termini d’inscripció: del 23 de març a l'11 d’abril de 2018

Informació proporcionada per: Servei de Recursos Humans