Comunicat de la University of Gdansk (PL GDANSK01)

23/03/2020 | ORI



Comunicat de la University of Gdansk (PL GDANSK01) 23-03-2020

Dear Partners,            

Greetings from the  University of Gdansk( PL GDANSK01)!

I trust my email finds you all well.

We would like to share with you a few information regarding the Covid-19  situation here at our University.

Like everywhere else, the growing spread of Covid-19 virus requires to adapt to a new scenario.

Till today( Monday  March 23rd , 2020) the following steps have been taken to secure safety and well -being of our students :

  • Following decision (as of March 10th , 2020) of the Authorities of the University of Gdansk regarding  the growing spread of the  2019-nCoV virus, all the classes at the University of Gdansk have been suspended until further notice.
  • Starting March 16th, 2020 our students can continue their studies and follow the courses through online learning.
  • We are fully aware that the recent situation may trigger a lot of distress, anxiety and emotions. That is why we  offer free  online psychological support online to all students in need.
  • At the moment Erasmus students can continue living in our dormitories.

We are in constant contact with our Incoming students. They are kept informed of all the safety regulations and recommendations.

Though, most of us works remotely these days, from our home offices, we assure our students that we are here for them. They can contact our office via email and we try to answer their questions or doubts as soon as possible.

Safety and well- being of our students are  our priorities.

  • As to the ERASMUS Incoming Student Applications for 2020/21 please kindly note that for the time being all the nomination and application deadlines remain unchanged.

We are all fighting a common enemy and hopefully we shall overcome it soon!

If you have any questions or I can be of any further assistance feel free to contact me.

Stay healthy and take care !

Kind regards,



Katarzyna Flis

Koordynator Mobilności Erasmus / Erasmus Mobility Coordinator



Biuro Współpracy Międzynarodowej / Erasmus Exchange Office

ul. Bażyńskiego 8

PL - 80-309 GDAŃSK

Tel.: +4858523 24 42



Informació proporcionada per: Oficina de Relacions Internacionals