Comunicat University of Basilicata

18/03/2020 | ORI


Dear partners,
in light of recent developments concerning the coronavirus, we would like to update you on how this interests students and staff at University of Basilicata, and the measures we have taken to address the issue. 
Currently, two professors from the University of Basilicata have been found positive to CODIV-19, fortunately with slight symptoms. The situation is now fully under control: the University environments were sanitized, and professor are under continuous home observation.
having suspended all classroom activities (including lectures, theoretical-practical lessons, practical lessons and internships) and moved to online classes through our virtual platform.
University administration and our office re-opened on March 12th, but all classes activities are suspended until April 3 as provided for by the Prime Minister's decree of 09.03.2020.  Measures will be taken to for online classes. Incoming students, currently at our University, have been already informed about. In this rapidly changing situation, we are committed to the safety and security of all students and staff, monitoring current developments and taking all the necessary measures to safeguard all our incoming students. All official information of public interest regarding the COVID-19 infection can be found at the following link, regularly updated. 
A task group, working together with the Local Health authority in the person of the Health Director, has been created to respond quickly to any developments. The task group closely monitors updates from the National Health Authority, and ensures that any new measures or recommendations are implemented at the University of Basilicata.
We will do our best to keep you constantly updated on future developments.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions in this regard.
Prof. Michele Greco
Vice-Rector for International Relations
Dott.ssa Annalisa Anzalone
Head of the International Mobility Office
Annalisa Anzalone
Head of the International Mobility Office
University of Basilicata 
Via Nazario Sauro 85
85100 Potenza (Italy)
Informació proporcionada per: Oficina de Relacions Internacionals