Comunicat de la University of Eastern Finland

28/05/2020 | ORI



Comunicats de la University of Eastern Finland

Comunicat 28-05-2020

Dear Partner,

We regret to inform you that University of Eastern Finland has decided to cancel all student exchanges and traineeships in the autumn semester 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this means that the planned exchange periods or traineeships cannot be carried out.

It was also decided that University of Eastern Finland will not offer distance learning for exchnage students during the autumn semester 2020.

Students to UEF

Your students who have already applied for the autumn semester 2020 or for the academic year 2020-2021 will be advised on this decision today.

They can re-apply for the spring semester in which case you need to re-nominate them 2021 by September 15, 2020. It is also possible to postpone the exchange to the academic year 2021-2022, following the normal nomination and application procedures. We do our best to accept as many students as possible for the spring semester 2021 and autumn semester 2021.

Students from UEF

We will contact you about the student(s) that we have nominated for your institution as soon as possible.


Best regards,

International Mobility Services

University of Eastern Finland (UEF)

Informació proporcionada per: Oficina de Relacions Internacionals