Seminari específic: "A unified framework for the study of figures of speech: dependency relations and usage constraints"

07/01/2021 | InfoCampus



Professor: Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
Títol: A unified framework for the study of figures of speech: dependency relations and usage constraints
Duració: 10 hours
Data: 12-13 December 2019
Resum: While metaphor and metonymy have received considerable attention in Cognitive Linguistics, most other traditional figures of speech have largely been neglected. This seminar fills this gap by providing an explanatory framework, grounded in the principles of cognition, which allows us to identify organizational patterns, dependency relations and usage constraints for a broad range of figures of speech. These include hyperbole, litotes, irony, and paradox, which, together with metaphor and metonymy, are used to account for allegory, anthimeria, antonomasia, antiphrasis, auxesis, hypallage, hypocatastasis, meiosis, merism, oxymoron, paragon, paradox, prolepsis, proverbs, and sarcasm. The result is a unified account of figurative language.

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