SEWPROF (Resultats i Publicacions)

26/02/2018 | IUPA



SEWPROF és un projecte d'investigació finançat per la Comissió Europea, les accions Marie Curie, Setè Programa Marc, Xarxa de Formació Inicial (ITN).
SEWPROF té com a objectiu desenvolupar la capacitat de recerca interdisciplinaria i intersectorial per a la propera generació de científics que treballen en el camp emergent de la epidemiologia basada en l'anàlisi d'aigües residuals. A més, proporcionarà un enfocament integrat de vigilància de la salut pública a nivell comunitari sobre la base de tècniques innovadores d'epidemiologia d'aigües residuals.



(Open acces via Repositori Universitat Jaume I)


TRAC HernandezInvestigation of Illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals in waters by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry
F. Hernández, M. Ibáñez, R. Bade, L. Bijlsma, J.V. Sancho
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 63, 140-157 (2014)



Occurrence and behavior of illicit drugs and metabolites in sewage water from the Spanish Mediterranean coast (Valencia region)
L. Bijlsma, R. Serrano, C. Ferrer, I. Tormos, F. Hernández
Science of the Total Environment, 487, 703-709 (2014)



Bijlsma Forensic ToxicologyIdentification and characterization of a novel cathinone derivative 1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-5-yl)-2-phenyl-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-ethanone seized by customs in Jersey
L. Bijlsma, B. Miserez, M. Ibáñez, C. Vicent, E. Guillamón, J. Ramsey, F. Hernández
Forensic Toxicology, 34, 144-150 (2016)



Kinyua ABCA data-independent acquisition workflow for qualitativescreening of new psychoactive substances in biological samples
J. Kinyua, N. Negreira, M. Ibáñez, L. Bijlsma, F. Hernández ,A. Covaci, A. L. N. van Nuijs
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 8773-8785 (2015)



ABC HernandezLC-QTOF MS screening of more than 1000 licit and illicit drugs and their metabolites in wastewater and surface waters from the area of Bogotá, Colombia
F. Hernández, M. Ibáñez, A. M. Botero-Coy, R. Bade, M. C. Bustos-López, J. Rincón, A. Moncayo, L. Bijlsma
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 6405-6416 (2015)



Talanta BadeCritical evaluation of a simple retention time predictor based on LogKow as a complementary tool in the identification of emerging contaminants in water
R. Bade, L.Bijlsma, J. V.Sancho, F. Hernández
Talanta, 139, 143-149 (2015)



Stoten BadeSuspect screening of large numbers of emerging contaminants in environmental waters using artificial neural networks for chromatographic retention time prediction and high resolutiion mass spectrometry data analysis
R. Bade, L. Bijlsma, T.H. Miller, L. P. Barron, J.V. Sancho, F. Hernández
Science of the Total Environment, 538, 934-941 (2015)



ABC BadeScreening of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs in wastewater and surface waters of Spain and Italy by high resolution mass spectrometry using UHPLC-QTOF MS and LC-LTQ-Orbitrap MS
R. Bade, N. I. Rousis, L. Bijlsma, E. Gracia-Lor, S. Castiglioni, J. V. Sancho, F. Hernandez
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, 8979-8988 (2015)



JHM IbañezUHPLC-QTOF MS screening of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in treated wastewater samples from Athens
M. Ibáñez, V. Borova, C. Boix, R. Aalizadeh, R. Bade, N.S. Thomaidis, F. Hernández
Journal of Hazardous Materials, In Press (2016)



Water Research McCallCritical review on the stability of illicit drugs in sewers and wastewater samples
A.K. McCall, R. Bade, J. Kinyua, F. Y. Lai, P. K. Thai, A. Covaci, L. Bijlsma, A. L.N. van Nuijs, C. Ort
Water Research, 88, 933-947 (2016)





“Progress with retention time prediction index”
 R. Bade with N. Thomaidis (University of Athens, Greece), E. Schymanski (Eawag, Switzerland) and M. Krauss (UFZ, Leipzig, Germany) 
NORMAN Cross-Working Group Activity on Non-target Screening, Rhodes, Greece
1 September 2015


“The development and use of retention time prediction in the identification of emerging contaminants in environmental waters”
R. Bade, L. Bijlsma,  L. P. Barron, T. H. Miller, J. V. Sancho and F. Hernandez
Testing the Waters 2015, Ascona, Switzerland
11-15 October 2015


“Prediction of chromatographic retention time using artificial neural networks for the identification of emerging contaminants in environmental waters”
R. Bade, L. Bijlsma,  L. P. Barron, T. H. Miller, J. V. Sancho and F. Hernandez
XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA2015), Castellon, Spain.
28-30 October 2015


“The use of artificial neural networks for the prediction of chromatographic retention time in the identification of pharmaceuticals and illicit drugs metabolites in environmental waters”
R. Bade, L. Bijlsma,  L. P. Barron, T. H. Miller, J. V. Sancho, M. Ibáñez, N. Thomaidis and F. Hernandez
The 7th Annual Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop, Toronto, Canada.
6 January 2016



Informació proporcionada per: Institut Universitari de Plaguicides i Aigües