Professorat: Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe i Ana Llinares
Títol: Recent trends in CLIL research. Linking CLIL to the study of Multilingualism and Pragmatics
Duració: 10 hores
Data: 20-21 de Febrer de 2019
Resum: This seminar aims to acquaint PhD students with the latest trends in applied linguistic research on English language acquisition. More particularly, it focuses on research in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) environments. Dr Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe (Universidad del País Vasco) and Dr Ana Llinares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) are influential scholars in this field of study both in Spain and abroad. They will present the most recent results of their research, which will be open to debate with the seminar students.