“Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals’ and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”

16/11/2017 | InfoCampus



Speaker-teacher: Rodrigo Lozano (Associate Professor in Organisational Sustainability, University of Gävle, Sweden)

“Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals’ and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”

Language: English, Spanish

Days: 22, 23 and 24th November 2017

Time: 15 hours (from 15:00 to 20:00)

Place: RR0029SP Sala de prensa in the Chancellor Building

Streaming link: http://jecom.uji.es/tv/directe.php


FIRST PART :‘Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals'

As for the requirement:

Each student has to bring 1 or 2 of her/his draft papers in hard (or electronic copy if they bring their laptop/tablet); and 1 excellent paper and 1 bad paper that they have read in their research


SECOND PART: Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies'

As for the requirement:

They need to bring between 3 to 5 papers, for which they will have to describe and discuss: 1) the research method; 2) data collection; 3) data analysis; 4) limitations of the methods; and if they can 5) the paper's epistemology/ontology


Doctoral students are invited to the PhD course “Scientific article writing workshop for sustainability journals’ and Scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies”, organised by Doctoral Programme in International Studies in Peace, Conflict and Development in Universitat Jaume I. Dr. Rodrigo Lozano, Associate Professor in Organisational Sustainability in University of Gävle (Sweden) and with wide background in editing and publishing in high impact journals, will share his knowledge and experience writing successful scientific articles.

Scientific research is a dynamic process, which can produce knowledge, theories and also practical solutions.  The dissemination of scientific research becomes essential in order to share the main conclusions with the academic community and to make a contribution to the universal scientific knowledge. So, publishing will contribute to communicate the results and to discuss. However, the articles should be clear and the audience should understand their contents. 

Writing and publishing research articles can be a complex activity, especially at first. But it is essential for academic careers to achieve a greater visibility and prestige. The objective of this course is that PhD students learn some patterns about writing scientific articles for sustainability journals and also increase their knowledges about scientific research methodologies for sustainability studies.

The course is aimed at a broad range of PhD students. It will be non-technical in nature, but prior knowledge of sustainability concepts is assumed. Throughout the course, Rodrigo Lozano will answer all your questions about writing scientific article with quality and chances to publish them with success, so students should be writing their first academic articles. It is an opportunity to engage with fellow students and share doubts. 


El periode d'incripció estará obert del 8 al 20 de novembre de 2017




Mes informació: aalmela@uji.es 




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